Sunday, April 27, 2014

Back to Basics

Dear readers
Thanks for the attention, the feedback, the camaraderie you have shared with me so generously. I have decided to go back to writing longhand, in notebooks that will remain private and familiar. Thank you for your encouraging words.
They were salve to my wounds.

post script: i'm doing fine, after a year of writing with paper and pen, after a long year of medical traumas and political shit keeping me up nights. I do hope to return to blogging with a new energy. Soon.


  1. Sounds good to me. I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I find it a bit strange, because my handwriting is so poor, but I'll get on with the process.

    Blessings and Bear hugs, Rosaria!

  2. I will miss you, Rosaria. Keep at it, and be well.

  3. I will really miss you, Rosaria. You have been such an inspiration. Blessings.

  4. I wish you well but I'll miss you, your unique perspective, your wisdom hard gained. Blessings on you, Rosaria.

  5. I will miss reading this part of your writing life, Rosaria. I first came to know you through your Italian journals and was captivated then....still am.

  6. I hope you'll return at least from time to time to share your thoughts and news. Hugs to you, Rosaria.
