Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saving gas?

This cart pulled by two dogs was sighted on Beach Loop Drive in Bandon on a Sunday drive recently, right in front of Lord Bennett's Restaurant.  I was admiring the beach when this caught my eye.

Usually, this road has bikers, skaters, walkers and cars. When dogs are present, they pull their owners, but not in this contraption.

They were coming down the road at a good clip, as  though they did this every day!

I still can't believe what I just photographed.


  1. That is definitely a new one! Quick thinking to get a picture!

  2. how cool is that! if I ever get a couple of big dogs I'll have to remember this.

  3. We had two Alaskan Malamutes but never thought of this. They would have loved it!

  4. Perhaps we should get another dog and a cart.

  5. Love it, Rosaria. You, too, seem to have a steady companion - your camera.

    Finally a clever person, the one on the cart, to figure out a way to save face while walking the dogs! Being dragged along on wheels looks so much more in command and relaxing than dashing after two excited hounds on a leash.
