These lavender wands are only five-seven inches tall, but in front of a fallen bench they appear bigger, more important. The rose branch? Smaller. I know these truths but I let the picture stand.
I smile at the disjointed lies formed in this frame.
A curator would call this "An assertion of strength by the weakest of elements".
A visual artist would re-position one or two elements to balance, to focus, to create a mood.
Words miss creating a meaning too.
The truth? I crouched to take the picture, and the focus changed. What did I want to capture? Not the rose branch, not the lavender pods, but the broken arbor bench after a storm.
I smile at the disjointed lies formed in this frame.
A curator would call this "An assertion of strength by the weakest of elements".
A visual artist would re-position one or two elements to balance, to focus, to create a mood.
Words miss creating a meaning too.
The truth? I crouched to take the picture, and the focus changed. What did I want to capture? Not the rose branch, not the lavender pods, but the broken arbor bench after a storm.